Over Two Decades of Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Experience
Below are the types of catastrophic injuries we represent:
Catastrophic Injury Lawyers
Catastrophic injuries upends the lives of both the accident victims and their families. These injuries represent the most extreme we see. Those suffering them not only have to face a long road to recovery but the worries of how their bills will be covered and what their future holds.
The Minnesota catastrophic injury attorneys at 612-INJURED understand how insurance companies will take advantage of catastrophic accident victims at the most vulnerable times in their lives. They offer what appears to be a fair settlement, but it is an offer designed to save them money and may not cover a lifetime of necessary care.
The catastrophic injury lawyers at 612-INJURED are not afraid to take on the tough cases. When life looks hopeless, we level the field to ensure that you get the settlement you deserve, ensuring that you and your family are in the best place to face your futures together.
Amputations change the course of people’s lives. They take significant tolls on both victims and families. If you have had an amputation from an injury that was not your fault., call or text us now.
Our amputation injury attorneys offer free consultations. If you had an amputation due to someone’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
The effects of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) can be debilitating and often last a lifetime. Appointments, medication, and therapy can be expensive over the time you suffer from it.
If you have been diagnosed with CRPS due to an injury that was not your fault, you might be entitled to compensation for medical bills, as well as pain and suffering.
Brain injuries are incredibly dangerous. Even a mild brain injury can have serious and lifelong consequences. If you think that you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, call us now.
Our personal injury lawyers offer free consultations. If someone else was negligent, you may be entitled to compensation.
A spinal cord injury can change your life. Spinal cord injuries can cause lifelong debilitating pain or numbness. In worst-case scenarios, victims may lose the use of their legs or other extremities. If your back has been injured, do not assume that the pain will get better on its own. Contact a personal injury lawyer in today, and visit a doctor.
Wrongful death is when someone is killed due to the negligence of another. Minnesota law allows certain survivors to recover:
- Funeral expenses
- Medical expenses
- Burial expenses
- Loss of potential earnings
- Loss of companionship, support, and comfort
If a loved one has died, you need to talk to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. They will be able to inform you of your rights and what you can do. There is a statute of limitations on wrongful death cases, so it is a good idea to get started quickly.
Our team offers free consultations. We aren’t paid a dime unless you win. Our success is directly tied to your success. Get started with us today.
Schedule Your Consultation
Our personal injury attorneys work on a contingent basis. This means that we will not charge you a fee unless we win either at trial or through settlement.
The percentage we charge will depend on the difficulty of your case, and the amount of time and money we estimate it will take to get you the most recovery for your damages.
No Fees
Unless We Win
Our Commitment to
You are not alone
We Can Help.
The personal injury attorneys and staff at our law firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other personal injury law firms seem to take.
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