We often hear from those injured that they do not want to sue anyone. For some, it feels too confrontational towards others. For others, it feels like an intimidating undertaking, and they do not want the stress. What you should keep in mind is that there is a big difference between making an insurance claim and having an attorney assist you with that and a lawsuit.

Most of the time, what we are doing is being on the opposing side of an administrative adjustment, an insurance claim. Insurance companies do not want to have an actual lawsuit, where we have to serve a summons and complain on the person who caused the injury. They want to try to resolve it before a judge or the court is ever involved.

Typically, you are not suing anyone. You are filing an insurance claim to get reimbursed for your injuries, medical bills, and wage loss. Very rarely are you going to actually to sue someone. It is mostly an insurance claim.

If you have any questions, call or text the personal injury lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.