Consider a situation where it is initially your word against that of the other driver after a car accident, but the police arrive and issue a citation to the other person. Does that help your claim? It depends on what the reason behind the citation and what happens afterward.

If they get a ticket for driving without insurance or not having their ID on them, whatever the case might be, that might not really help you, because it does not go towards what they did wrong to cause the accident. If they got a ticket for running a red light or failure to yield, that is going to help you.

What is more important is a conviction for that ticket, because if they go to court, fight it, and win, that is not going to help you, but if they plead to it or they get convicted by a jury for it, yes, that will definitely help you.

If you have any questions about your car accident, call or text the car accident lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.