Defining a Personal Injury We have previously discussed general negligence, but we have not defined what a personal injury is. Anytime somebody does something negligent and injures [...] We have previously discussed general negligence, but we have not defined what a personal injury is. Anytime somebody does something negligent and injures [...]
After being placed on restrictions for workers’ compensation, it might be challenging to know what you can and cannot do. Depending on the circumstances, you [...] It is summertime and people are attending baseball games, soccer games, and an array of other sporting events these days, which has led [...]
Registered nurses (RNs) and certified nursing assistants (CNAs) took on a very visible role at the start of the pandemic. They were at the forefront [...] Premises liability claims occur when you are injured while on someone else's property. We occasionally get questions regarding injuries from popular summer activities, [...] After a car accident, you have the three different claims that you can bring, assuming you are not at fault: property damage no-fault [...] When comparing motorcycle and car accidents, there are going to be a couple differences. In Minnesota, you are not going to have no-fault [...] Minnesota is not a pure comparative fault state. We are known as a modified comparative fault state, which means if you have two [...]
Summertime offers Minnesotans an opportunity to enjoy the lakes, visit festivals, and shake off the doldrums of the long cold months. This is especially true [...] The person or entity who pays for a dog bite is surprising to some. We have had clients enjoying the day at a [...]