You have been in a car accident and your no-fault coverage has paid all the money that they can for your medical injuries or have had a trip-and-fall and your health insurance is now addressing your medical bills. A lot of people resist when we tell them that their health insurance needs to pay on these bills, because they say feel that since it was not their fault, their insurance should not be involved. Well, they are right in that they did not cause the accident, but they have an obligation to you to pay for those bills.

In the end, you have a legal responsibility to help pay them back. That is called subrogation, where they are paying a bill that they should not have had to pay due to someone else’s negligence. You now need to turn around and pay them back.

This ends up being in your best interest, because health insurance companies, when they pay a bill, they are not paying 100 cents on the dollar. They are paying 20 or 30 cents on the dollar, so it gives you a break from paying the entire bill.  When you get your settlement, you are required to repay them what they are owed.

If you have any questions, call or text the car accident lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.