A topic that has been catching our attention over the last few years is the move towards self-driving cars or assisted-technology cars. How is that going to impact liability? It is going to be really interesting how much can you keep the driver of the car accountable if they were not actually interacting with the car.

Right now, there is assisted technology that comes with the car that helps you drive, but you have to continue interacting with it. There are third-party attachments you can use to modify how much you need to interact with your car. With a modification, you might not need to touch the steering wheel every 30 seconds. It might be every 3-5 minutes. What if that leads to the driver falling asleep. That will probably start shifting the blame towards that driver who modified it.

If it is a completely self-driving car, we are likely drawing engineers into it to figure out if there was something wrong with the coding or was it something wrong that everybody else did. So, it will be wildly complicated. I am sure it is going to impact personal injury attorneys, and it will be interesting to see where it goes.

If you have any questions, call or text the car accident lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.