If you find yourself injured at a construction site, whether while working, inspecting or just walking by it, figuring how who is responsible for your injury might be much harder than you realize. There can be several parties all working together on a single project.
It is important to understand who you might find at a construction site. Often, there is going to be a general contractor, who is in charge of everything, but under them, there are going to be several subcontractors. You might have electricians, plumbers, framers, and other focuses ond workers. In addition to those people, you are going to have vendors, who are bringing in the materials or performing certain services for those subcontractors and the general contractor.
Because of all this activity, you are going to have to spend to find out who is actually responsible for your injuries. If a floor collapses beneath you, you might be going after the people who put in the trusses. If you get shocked, you might be looking for an electrician. It takes some leg work to figure out who actually caused your injury.
As personal injury and work comp attorneys, we have experience finding who is liable in these situations, and timeliness is important. If you have found yourself injured from a construction accident as a worker or bystander, give us a call.
If you have any questions, call or text the construction accident lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.