When comparing motorcycle and car accidents, there are going to be a couple differences. In Minnesota, you are not going to have no-fault insurance on your motorcycle. You can purchase more insurance, but it will not technically be a no-fault insurance coverage. It will be more like a medical pay coverage, so you would get your bills paid through that medical pay policy from your motorcycle. If you make a recovery against the at-fault driver, that is going to have to be reimbursed back to you.

Another significant difference is you tend to have more extreme injuries when it is a motorcycle that is involved, so you are going to be paying a lot more money out of whatever you recover from the at-fault driver to help take care of you, just because there are going to be more bills.

If you have any questions, call or text the motorcycle accident lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.