First and most importantly, do not quit your job until you fully understand the negative impact it could have on your workers’ compensation claim! You should seek a Minnesota workers’ compensation lawyer immediately to get advice.

There are a number of reasons why injured workers want to quit or resign from their jobs after an injury. You might sense hostility between you and your employer or even co-workers because of the injury. Perhaps you are physically unable to work or your employer doesn’t have the light duty work your doctor recommends.

Another issue we see frequently is that injured workers under work restrictions by their doctors still struggle to work. Your doctor may tell you that you can work, but you cannot do certain tasks. Most often, injured workers are given restrictions on lifting limits, moving into specific positions, or doing repetitive movements. This can make the day-to-day experience at work tedious and frustrating.

So, What Happens if I Just Quit?

If you are thinking about quitting your job, you may assume that workers’ compensation will pay your lost wages. After all, the injury is why you are quitting, right? Do not act until you know the potential consequences.

Quitting your job can have very serious impacts on your workers’ compensation case, and it can often make or break whether you are able to get wage loss benefits.

Unfortunately, there is not an easy checklist to help you determine how your case will be impacted. The individual facts of your situation will be what makes the final determination on whether it is worth quitting your job and seeking another.

Just remember to get advice BEFORE quitting. Don’t underestimate how important of a decision this is. While some areas of the workman’s comp system can be navigated by the injured worker, there are certain issues that are very complex and are best addressed after seeking counsel from an attorney. Determining how quitting your job will impact your claim is particularly difficult and one of those issues that is well worth speaking to a work comp lawyer about.

What to Do Now?

My advice is to speak to a workers’ compensation attorney before you do anything to terminate your employment relationship. Look for an attorney who focuses ons in work comp is also local.

As always, our attorneys have extensive experience in handling workers’ comp claims and are available to discuss your case. To speak with a workers’ comp lawyer in Minneapolis at 612-INJURED, call or text us at (612) 465-8733.