A First Report of Injury (FROI) is the initial accident report you fill out with your employer following a work injury. Your employer should then submit this form to their insurance company and the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.

Filling Out the Appropriate Forms

It is important that this form be filled out to document that the personal injury took place. It should be filled out as close as possible to the actual injury date. If this form is not completed, it could make proving your claim more difficult in the future.

Document as much as you can about the injury as soon as possible, especially if you can’t fill out the FROI the same day you get injured. Grab a pen and paper and write down as much as you can remember. Some key pieces of information to record include:

  • When and where the injury occurred (day, time, location).
  • Where the injury occurred on your body.
  • How the injury occurred.
  • Any witnesses to the accident.
  • Any pain or issues you are experiencing after the accident.

You’ll be able to recall key details more accurately if you write them down shortly after the incident, and odds are you’ll have access to a piece of paper or the notepad in your cell phone before getting your hands on a FROI form. If you have any questions about filling out the FROI, don’t hesitate to call or text the workers’ comp lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733.