When discussing trip-and-fall or slip-and-fall injuries ate apartment complexes, townhomes, or anywhere that has multi-family units in one spot, one of the first things you want to examine is where it happened. Who had control over the area where you fell?

If you have fallen in somebody’s unit, it is not going to be the landlord’s fault. What you are looking to discover is if the injury took place in one of the common areas, the places where the landlord or a maintenance company has control over it. Parking lots, sidewalks, courtyards, the swimming pool, or anywhere that somebody other than a tenet is responsible for the area.

If you have fallen in somebody’s unit, you’re going to be looking at a renters insurance question and the liability that goes along with that. You need to have fallen in the common area, a place that is controlled by the landlord, to bring a claim against them.

If you have any questions, call or text the premises liability lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.