For nearly two decades, our personal injury attorneys at 612-INJURED have worked tirelessly to inform our residents of everyday dangers that lurk within our communities and can lead to severe, even catastrophic injuries without notice.

In Minnesota, a property owner is under a legal obligation to keep and maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition for use to all who enter.

When our residents are injured in a slip and fall incident by unforeseen hazards while on someone else’s property, they may hold the owner liable for their financial recovery through a premises liability claim.

But first, our residents need to know where most of these injurious conditions exist. Unfortunately, they are common on commercial premises that are frequented regularly by the public, which makes the risk of injury overwhelming when property owners forego their duty to use reasonable care to protect their customers from obvious hazards.

What are the Five Most Common Locations for Slip and Fall Injuries?

At 612-INJURED, our slip and fall lawyers know many commercial structures lend themselves to slip and fall accidents because of their design, layout, number of employees, and the nature of their businesses.

While slip and fall injuries can occur anywhere, negligence is a factor. There are five locations where the risk of premises liability claims is typically much higher than others.

These common slips and fall accident locations include, but are not limited to:

Grocery Stores

Grocery stores have many existing factors that can lead to slip and fall injuries, including foods, cans, packaging, and even displays that can be hazardous to shoppers when they are not cleaned up or organized properly.

Spilled liquids from dropped beverages, broken glass from fallen containers, and products that are haphazardly scattered about the store can lead to significant injuries when customers unknowingly slip, trip, or fall over the hazard.

Other hazards may include recently mopped or waxed floors that are not identified with warning signs and ripped or torn floor mats that can easily become tripping hazards.


Like grocery stores, restaurants have inherent dangers of food and beverages being spilled regularly, which can become significantly hazardous when they are not cleaned up quickly or properly.

Restaurants also have many potentially dangerous areas that require their staff to be proactive in their safety, including loose floor mats, poorly lit walkways, and uneven or broken stairs that are hazardous to even those who are paying close attention.

Shopping Malls and Retail Businesses

Shopping malls and big-box retail stores can comprise hundreds of thousands of square feet that must be consistently and adequately maintained to ensure the safety of all visitors.

When water leaks, spills, or debris turn walkways into hazardous passages, people can and will get hurt. Likewise, broken stairs, elevators, or escalators may also lead to significant injuries when they are not blocked to patrons before they can be fixed.

Entertainment and Sports Venues

Throughout Minnesota, there are beautiful sports and entertainment venues that host tens of thousands of fans and concert-goers during a single event.

These popular venues can easily become dangerous premises when missing or damaged handrails or safety railings allow visitors to slip, trip, or fall, because maintenance crews failed to fix the hazard before an injury occurred.

Another significant liability concern in larger venues like these is inadequate security, which can lead to violent or criminal activity that causes injuries or even death to those on the premises.

Warehouses, Construction Sites, and Other Workplaces

Inherently dangerous workplaces like warehouses and construction sites can lead to many types of injuries when negligence is a factor, including when workers, vendors, or even the public are struck by or against an object or when they fall from heights.

Unsafe conditions or structures that are not fully blocked from entry, or, at the very least, have clear warnings, can lead to catastrophic injuries or even death when someone enters the dangerous area.

If you have been injured on private, public, or government property due to dangerous conditions, contact our slip and fall attorneys at 612-INJURED to learn more about your legal rights and options in holding the liable property owner accountable for your financial recovery.

How Can the Slip and Fall Attorneys at 612-INJURED Help Prove Liability in My Case?

Premises liability cases involve negligence claims filed against property owners who fail to take reasonable care in inspecting and repairing their premises, or — at a minimum — fail to warn those using the premises of the unreasonable risks of harm that may occur. 

The burden of proof in these cases requires our personal injury attorneys at 612-INJURED to outline the details of how our client was injured, because the property owner either failed to maintain safe conditions or knew about the dangerous conditions and failed to correct them.

Our slip and fall attorneys will thoroughly investigate where your injury occurred and the circumstances surrounding the incident, including the totality of your injuries and the length and type of medical care you will need to get your life back on track.

Once we have fully outlined your claim, we will present our demands to the premises owner’s insurance company to begin the negotiation process and pursue the best outcome available for your case.

Have You Been Hurt in a Slip and Fall Accident?

Getting hurt because of another’s negligent actions or inaction while shopping, dining, or even working can catch anyone by surprise, which is typically why slip and fall accidents cause such serious injuries. If you have been hurt on someone’s property, contact our skilled personal injury attorneys at 612-INJURED today by calling or texting us at (612) 465-8733 or contact us online to have one of our lawyers reach out to you directly to discuss your claim in a free consultation.