One of the things you need to consider with premises liability claims is whether or not the person that you say is negligent actually knew that there was a problem and had an opportunity to take care of it. Normally, this falls on the landlord or property owner, but circumstances determine whether you have a good claim.

An example is when there is a snowfall. During an active snow event, ice patches can form under the accumulation of snow. The landlord or property owner may or may not know about this ice patch and is not going to be able to take care of that.

Another example is a railing following a stairway in a community apartment complex. If you have lived there for nine months and the railing comes loose for the first time and causes an injury, there is no way that the landlord knew there was a problem in order to have an opportunity to fix it. The landlord or property owner needs to have an opportunity to know about it and fix the problem first.

If you have any questions, call or text the premises liability lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.