Injured in a Construction Accident? Our Attorneys Are Here to Help

Construction accidents are known to have debilitating and even deadly consequences due to the nature of the work. The presence of large machinery, power tools, exposed electrical wires, heavy building materials, and heights can result in catastrophic injuries for even the most careful worker. Workers are also not the only ones at risk. Bystanders often find themselves in harms way by just walking to their jobs in the vicinity of construction work. Large downtown areas in cities often bring those worlds together, leading to injuries and the need for answers.

If you were injured in a construction site accident, you are now facing a complex system of liability. As a worker, you could have both a work comp claim and third-party liability claim in addition to hoping that a large, faceless insurance company is willing to offer a fair settlement for your medical care and lost wages. As a bystander, you have found that your life has taken an unexpected turn.

Behind all the scaffolding and noise lies the answers to what happened. If you have found yourself injured from a construction accident, call or text our Minnesota construction accident attorneys at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733. We will go to work right away, gathering evidence, sorting liability, communicating with all the parties, and addressing the insurance company to ensure that you get the settlement you deserve.

What to Do after a Construction Accident Injury

  1. Assess yourself. Due to the nature of your work, you could have a serious injury. If you are a bystander, the same applies. Even if the injury does not initially feel severe, it does not mean that it is not. You should see a doctor to determine your condition.
  2. Notify your employer, whether that is your supervisor, foreman, or boss. Let them know what happened, so you can start your work comp claim. If you are a bystander, at least let the building know what happened. If you have contact with workers, try to talk to a person in charge. You will want an incident report.
  3. Document what happened. Use your smartphone to take notes, including what you were doing before and when the accident happened. Take pictures. Collect information from witnesses. All of this applies to both workers and bystanders.
  4. Contact an attorney. It is best to start your claim soon after an accident has occurred. It is easier to gather evidence if you call the day it happened and not months later.

Types of Construction Accidents

Due to the complexities involved in buildings and other large structures, specialty workers with a variety of equipment are brought together to complete tasks necessary for completion. This presents several ways that workers can be injured.

  1. Falling Ladders
  2. Nail Gun Accidents
  3. Forklift Accidents
  4. Welding Accidents
  5. Burn Injuries
  6. Crane Accidents
  7. Miscellaneous Heavy Equipment Accidents
  8. Collapsing Scaffolding Accidents
  9. Toxic Chemical Exposure
  10. Product Liability Injuries

For construction workers, there are several ways injuries occur, but there are four notorious scenarios knows as the Fatal Four by OSHA. These are the top causes of fatalities for construction workers.

  1. Falls are the leading cause of fatalities for construction workers. Though there are regulations in place in Minnesota to help prevent these, they are not always followed, and falls will sometimes happen regardless.
  2. Struck-By accidents occur when tools, building materials, or machinery fall and strike workers working below. This often occur because these items were unsecured before it happened. This is also a common way bystanders are injured.
  3. Caught-In/Between accidents happen when workers get caught between machinery, heavy equipment, building materials, or collapsing scaffolding or other structures.
  4. Electrocutions can happen to anyone working on construction sites. A drywall worker might believe that wires are not live during installation and be severely injured as a result.

If a loved one has passed due to a construction accident, you might be able to bring a wrongful death claim. Talk to an attorney experienced in construction accidents and wrongful death to find out how to move forward during this time.

Types of Construction Accident Injuries

Our construction accident attorneys have seen a variety of construction injuries. Often, they are cuts and bruises that heal relatively quickly, but we have dealt with much more serious injuries from these settings.

  1. Traumatic Brain Injuries
  2. Spinal Cord Injuries
  3. Burn Injuries
  4. Repetitive Motion Injuries
  5. Broken Bones
  6. Toxic Chemical Illnesses and Injuries
  7. Soft Tissue Injuries
  8. Back and Neck Injuries
  9. Wrongful Death

How We Can Help Construction Workers

Filing for workers’ compensation and sorting third-party personal injury claims after a construction accident can have its challenges. Since there are often multiple parties representing different contractors working in tandem, assigning liability for a construction accident injury can be difficult. Even when liability has been established, you are still relying on a system involving one or more insurance companies, none of which are likely willing to offer an appropriate settlement.

When pursuing a civil suit for your personal injury, the number of parties who might be at fault or share fault shows the need for an experienced lawyer. On a large building project, those at fault can include engineers, owners, architects, equipment manufacturers, supervisor, foreman, contractors, and subcontractors. An attorney can find out what happened and who is at fault and quickly start the process of pursuing your claim.

An experienced construction injury lawyer can investigate what happened, collect evidence, and help ensure you get the settlement you deserve. Our workers’ compensation and construction injury attorneys have repeatedly worked with Minnesota construction workers and understand the nuances found in these cases. This way, you can focus on getting better while we focus on taking care of your case.

How We Can Help Injured Bystanders

If you have been injured as a bystander due to activity at a construction site, you likely have a lot of questions. As a non-worker, you are wondering who is responsible. Rising above the scaffolding and into the noise lies your answer. An experienced construction accident attorney knows exactly how to find this, establish liability, and work with the insurance company to make sure you get a fair settlement.

Why Choose Us

At 612-INJURED, our Minnesota construction injury attorneys understand how to investigate what happened to find who is liable. We can handle both your personal injury and workers’ comp claims and make sure the insurance companies pay what you deserve. If you have been injured in a construction accident as either a worker or bystander, call or text us at (612) 465-8733.

Can I Sue My Employer If I Am Injured?

If you’re injured on the job, you likely qualify for workers’ compensation regardless of who is at fault. However, when a third party was the cause, it’s important that you explore your legal rights. Personal injury lawsuits due to these construction accidents can help cover your expenses during this trying time and compensate you for injuries sustained as a direct result of your accident.

Except in cases of extreme negligence, our workers’ compensation laws shield employers from being sued by injured employees. However, third-parties (anyone other than your employer) are not protected from lawsuits. Examples of third parties include:

  • Other drivers, if you are injured in a car or truck accident while you are working
  • A lot owner or building owner at a construction site
  • Other contractors working at the same job site
  • Equipment manufacturer
  • Crane operators

Whenever you are injured by a third party, our lawyers can represent you in both a workers’ compensation claim and a personal injury lawsuit against the third party. A personal injury lawsuit allows you to recover compensation for pain and suffering and other damages that aren’t covered by workers’ compensation.

What if I Can’t Return to My Job?

You can seek compensation for any reduction in wages that you experience as a result of your injury and for future lost wages. Workers’ compensation may also provide retraining benefits if you are no longer able to do construction work because of your injury.

A physical injury doesn’t have to mean the end of your career. Our construction injury lawyers may be able to help you get the compensation you need to find a job that is less physically demanding.

The Aftermath of an Accident

Dealing with any accident is difficult. You’re used to working for a living, and when an accident puts you out of commission, you might start to wonder what other options there are. If the injury is severe, it can impact your entire life and alter the direction of your career.

We understand the emotions around this sort of injury and know there is more to your recovery than just a financial settlement. The support of our team of construction accident attorneys helps both you and your entire family. We offer you the resources you need to handle the aftermath of your accident.

Your Construction Accident Law Firm

We understand the fear that comes after construction accidents of all kinds. Legal action is overwhelming and often comes with the implied question, “What will happen if I don’t win?”

Rather than put this burden on you, our Minnesota construction accident lawyers work on a 100% contingency basis. This means you don’t pay a dime if we don’t recover a settlement for your injuries. Instead, we offer a free consultation to discuss your case and discover what sort of legal options you have available.

If you or a loved one have been injured and need experienced, dedicated, and skilled in construction accident attorneys, don’t leave it to chance. Contact (612) 465-8733 today and learn about your rights.

No Fees

Unless We Win

Schedule Your Consultation

Our attorneys work on a contingent basis. This means that we will not charge you a fee unless we win either at trial or through settlement.

The percentage we charge will depend on the difficulty of your case, and the amount of time and money we estimate it will take to get you the most recovery for your damages.


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The attorneys and staff at our law firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.

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