Minnesota Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Being a biker is an experience all its own. Meeting buddies for that first nice weekend after a long Minnesota winter is fantastic. Biker rallies offer opportunities to talk with others and share stories. You do what you can to squeeze in those last rides in the fall before frost becomes a hazard. You share concern over self-driving vehicles slowly making their ways into cities and what proposed laws mean for your safety. It really is its own lifestyle.
It is also understood that there are risks along with rewards with being a biker. It does not take much to change the life of a rider. When a careless driver runs into someone on a motorcycle, the injury is often severe. Unfortunately, the accident is just the beginning. In the months and even years afterward, the injured biker can face continued pain, physical therapy, surgeries, the inability to work, and even death. Medical bills can be a difficult burden for bikers and their families.
At 612-INJURED, our motorcycle accident attorneys understand how motorcycle accidents can affect the rider and how there is often a bias against the biker. We also know how insurance companies work, trying to pay as little as possible to protect their interests and not yours. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, call us at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.
What to Do after a Motorcycle Accident
If you have found yourself in a motorcycle accident, there are some important steps to protect both you and your rights.
- Get away from traffic. You are in a more vulnerable position, so it is best to get both you and your bike off the road while remaining close to the accident. This keeps you safe from further harm and your bike from potentially causing another accident.
- Check yourself for injuries. Remember that even if you have no apparent injuries, it does not mean that you are not hurt.
- Call 911. A big advantage to this beyond filing a report is that it brings emergency attention to you.
- Document your accident. Use your smartphone to take notes and get photos. Exchange information with the other driver. This includes insurance information, license plate number, and name. Get contact information of any witnesses.
- Go to the hospital. Make sure that you are not missing something big. As much as you
- Report the accident to your insurance company. Some companies require this, regardless if you were at fault or not. If the other party was either underinsured or uninsured and you did not report the accident, you are risking the possibility of not being covered.
- Call a motorcycle accident lawyer. At 612-INJURED, your consultation is free. We will answer your questions and assess your individual situation.
Do I need an attorney for a motorcycle accident?
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is in your best interest to speak with an attorney. This gives an attorney time to gather evidence and set up communications with necessary parties. A motorcycle accident lawyer also understands the biases that motorcyclists can face in accidents. An attorney can make certain that you receive a fair settlement in a setting that might not be willing to do it otherwise.
An experienced attorney also knows how to deal with insurance companies. These companies are in business to make money, and it is in their interest to pay as little as possible for your settlement. They are large organizations that deal with accidents all the time, and they know what to say and how to approach every scenario. Having a lawyer who understands the system as well as they do puts you on an even playing field and helps ensure you get the settlement you deserve.
How Minnesota Motorcycle Accidents Are Different
Minnesota is a no-fault state for accidents. This is not a matter of assigning fault. It is a requirement for insurance companies to pay for medical bills and wage loss for accidents even if the other party caused it. While Minnesotans are required to carry no-fault insurance for automobiles, it is not required for motorcyclists. This is why it is often recommended to have additional medical coverage on your motorcycle policy.
Causes of Motorcycle Accident Injuries
There are a variety of scenarios that can lead to motorcycle crashes that do not involve other drivers. Roadways can present hazards like potholes, wet leaves and grass clippings, shaded frost, and Minnesota wildlife such as deer, moose, and even flying turkeys.
There are then scenarios that involve other motorists, which account for 2/3rds of all motorcycle accidents. Not being seen. You have likely seen those bumper stickers telling you to start seeing motorcyclists. There is a reason for these. The smaller size of a bike (or scooter) can sometimes cause inattentive drivers to drive as if they are not there. This is particularly problematic in intersections where 70% of motorcycling accidents occur with automobiles. What makes this more frightening is that motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in an accident as opposed to those in a car.
Other reasons automobiles might have accidents with motorcyclists include distracted driving as with a smartphone, not paying attention to stop lights or signs, road rage, speeding, or driving under the influence.
Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries
The best-case scenario in a motorcycle accident is road rash. While it can be severe, there are numerous examples of injuries, including catastrophic, that are far worse for a rider.
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Neck Injuries
- Fractures
- Muscle Injury
- Limb Loss
- Disfigurement
- Paralysis
- Wrongful Death
Why Choose Us
If you have been in a motorcycle collision, you need a lawyer who understands not only the biases Minnesota riders face but also how insurance companies work. At 612-INJURED, we have represented many riders like yourself and understand that every accident is unique. We know how to overcome those biases and work with insurance companies to make sure your rights are represented. Call us for a free consultation at (612) 465-8733. We will get to work right away gathering evidence and talking with the different parties to ensure you get the settlement you deserve.

Who Will Pay My Medical Bills and Lost Wages?
Unless you purchased additional insurance, your motorcycle policy may not include no-fault coverage. This means that you will probably not receive reimbursement for medical bills and lost wages from your insurance. Your only source of recovery will be the insurance of the at-fault driver.
In Minnesota, you can sue the person who caused the accident after your damages reach a certain threshold, such as accumulating at least $4,000 in medical bills, having a permanent injury or losing a certain number of days at work.
How is Fault Determined in Motorcycle Accidents?
After an accident, the first words a motorcycle rider usually hears from the other driver are “I didn’t see you!”
Almost all motorcycle accidents are caused by careless or inattentive drivers who take left-hand turns in front bikes, swerve into bikes when changing lanes, or run into motorcycles that are stopped at stop signs.
Motorcycle accidents can also be caused by road debris or other dangerous highway conditions. In these cases, the municipality responsible for maintaining the road or the vehicle that dropped the debris may be responsible.
No Fees
Unless We Win
Schedule Your Consultation
Our attorneys work on a contingent basis. This means that we will not charge you a fee unless we win either at trial or through settlement.
The percentage we charge will depend on the difficulty of your case, and the amount of time and money we estimate it will take to get you the most recovery for your damages.
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You Are Not Alone.
The attorneys and staff at our law firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.
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