18 Wheeler & Truck Accident Attorneys
Accidents with semi-trucks can lead to catastrophic injuries in ways not often caused by cars on the road. The difference in weight alone can be astounding when comparing a 3,000-pound car to a tractor trailer that can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds loaded. The result is often life-changing, as the damage and injuries are felt by the driver and passengers in the car.
If you or a family member has been injured in an accident with semi, contact a truck accident lawyer at 612-INJURED for a free consultation at (612) 465-8733. You do not have to face your insurance, medical care, and physical rehabilitation alone. Our truck accident attorneys will guide you every step of the way. We will handle your case while you focus on recovering.
What to Do after a Truck Accident
If you have just found yourself in an accident with a semi, there are a few steps to take to ensure your wellbeing and rights are protected.
- Assess injuries. You were just in an accident with a very large piece of machinery. Check yourself and your loved ones for injuries. Keep in mind that injuries are not always immediately apparent.
- Call the police. This accomplishes two things. It brings emergency attention to you, and it starts the process for a police report. Make sure you get the name of the reporting officer.
- Gather information about the accident. Exchange insurance information with the driver and get the driver’s name, driver’s license number, and license plate number. Take pictures with your smartphone. Get contact information from any witnesses.
- Go to the hospital. You were in an accident with a big rig. You may feel fine now, but that does not always mean you are fine. Being seen by a doctor is the best way to find out.
- Report the accident to your insurance company. Even if you were not at fault, many companies require it, and not doing so can result in you being denied coverage.
- Contact a truck accident attorney. At 612-INJURED, our consultations are always free. We will answer any questions to have and determine the steps to take to ensure that you get the settlement you deserve.
Do I need an attorney for a truck accident?
An accident with a commercial truck can have a lot of complexity, particularly when it comes to liability. Depending on the situation, it can lie with one or multiple parties including the driver, truck owner, transportation company, and even the facility that loaded the truck, and none of those parties are going to be forthright with claiming this liability.
Federal laws can play a big role in how things are determined. Hours of Service laws dictate how much time a driver can be behind the wheel. Maintenance regulations are in place to make sure drivers are operating a safe vehicle. Loading laws guide how trucks are loaded for safe operation. Medical requirements are in place to determine whether or not someone can get a commercial driver’s license, and a person’s condition can change very quickly.
Truck companies will sometimes call and attempt to get you to make a recorded statement. This is done in an effort to evade liability in an accident. They will ask a series of questions designed to get you to share something they can use to their benefit.
Another tactic by truck companies is getting an insurance adjuster on the scene right away. They will speak with you and try to get you to admit that you were at least partially at fault. Do not talk to an adjuster, not even to offer an apology.
Insurance companies will also look to protect their interests. These are for-profit companies hoping to pay as little as possible for your settlement. Truck companies are required to carry high-limit insurance policies, and that can mean large settlements going to victims. They have focuses ond teams that deal with accidents every day. They understand how this system works and will do what they can to represent themselves and not you.
In Minnesota, there is a statute of limitations of six years after the date of your accident, though there are a few outside exceptions. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to cause delays if that date is close from the time you filed.
An experienced truck accident attorney understands how liability works according to your individual situation. They understand how companies try to avoid that. They also understand the insurance industry and will work hard to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. This level of complexity is why it is in your best interest to have an experienced truck accident attorney on your side.
Realities of Truck Accidents
With the size discrepancy most often present in accidents with semis, there are all too often catastrophic injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and paralysis happen, which can leave you and your family in dire straits. Even after physical therapy and proper medical attention, the ability to work might be greatly diminished.
Sometimes, these accidents can lead to death. Statistically, 73% of fatalities in truck accidents are occupants in other vehicles. Loss of income, medical bills, and funeral costs can leave a family struggling to find ways to pay a mortgage and keep the lights on. This might mean that the only way to move forward financially is with a wrongful death claim.
Why choose us?
If you have been in an accident with a truck, we can help. Our truck accident attorneys understand the complexities that can go into your case. They understand your stacks of medical bills and wanting nothing more than to get back to normal. An accident with a tractor trailer can cause catastrophic injuries, and the last thing you want in that situation is to try to sort through a system that is not on your side. The lawyers at 612-INJURED will work diligently to quickly assess what happened and how to get you the settlement you deserve. Call or text us at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.

Who Will Pay My Medical Bills and Lost Wages?
Minnesota’s no-fault insurance will pay up to $20,000 in medical bills and another $20,000 in lost wages, regardless of who caused the accident. However, if you have been seriously injured, that money will not go far.
If the accident was the fault of the truck driver or trucking company, you could sue their insurance company for additional damages. Commercial truck carriers are required to carry a substantial amount of insurance to pay for the damages of the people they injure. In many cases, there are separate policies to cover the driver, the truck, and the trailer. As a result, insurance coverage is usually not a problem in a truck accident case, as long as you can prove liability against the truck driver or trucking company.
How is Fault Determined in Truck Accident Cases?
As a part of our investigation, our lawyers will order truck maintenance and driver history records from the trucking company. Trucking companies are required by the Department of Transportation to conduct regular maintenance and safety checks of commercial tractor-trailers. They are also required to hire qualified drivers.
Truck drivers are required to take regular rest breaks while they are on the road. Our truck accident lawyers will examine the driver’s logbook, gas receipts, and other records to determine if driver fatigue played a role in causing the accident.
We always investigate the scene of the accident and take pictures to use in accident reconstruction. If there were witnesses, our attorneys will obtain witness statements.
No Fees
Unless We Win
Schedule Your Consultation
Our attorneys work on a contingent basis. This means that we will not charge you a fee unless we win either at trial or through settlement.
The percentage we charge will depend on the difficulty of your case, and the amount of time and money we estimate it will take to get you the most recovery for your damages.
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Truck Accident Lawyer FAQs
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The attorneys and staff at our law firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.
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