Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Getting hurt on the job can affect you and your family in multiple ways. Obviously, there is the stress of the injury and what that means for your ability to make a living. The loss of income, particularly with added medical bills and a mortgage, can keep you awake at night wondering when there will be an end in sight. Then there is your loss of identity without your job, leaving you to ponder whether you will be able to return to work or will have to somehow find a new career path.

If you have been injured on the job and are wondering what the next steps are to secure your future, contact the Minnesota workers’ compensation lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733. We have represented injured workers across several industries and have seen enough to know that every work comp case is unique. We will give you and your case the individualize attention necessary to ensure you get the workers’ compensation settlement you deserve.

See What is workers’ compensation?

What should I do after a work injury?

There are a few simple steps to ensure that your wellbeing and claim are best protected after an injury at work.

  1. Take some time to assess yourself. This is not a moment to “tough it out.” If you feel you might have sustained a serious injury, go to the doctor, have a coworker drive you to the hospital, or, if the situation calls for it, call 911. The severity of a work injury may not be completely apparent right after it happens. You may not need emergency attention, but if you feel you might need to be seen, then you should get checked.
  2. Fill out an incident report as soon as you safely can. This includes what happened, when and where it occurred, cause of the accident, and any witnesses. If your injury does not warrant an immediate trip to the hospital, this should be prioritized.
  3. Contact a workers’ compensation attorney. An experienced lawyer can help you effectively file your work comp claim and make sure that your best interests are always at the forefront during this process.

Should I file a workers’ compensation claim?

Injured workers are often worried how their employers will react to a work comp claim. Will my boss resist? Is my injury bad enough to warrant a work comp claim? Can I return to my job if I file a work comp claim? Can I get fired for filing a claim? Is all the effort worth it? Minnesota workers’ compensation laws and workers’ compensation insurance exist for your protection after an injury. If you are injured at work, you deserve the opportunity to recover while not having to worry about medical bills and lost wages.

If you have been injured, you owe it to yourself, your family, and even your employer to recover and be the best employee you can be, and if you are unable to continue working as you once had, you have the right to a fair settlement to ensure you and your family’s future is secure.

Do I need a workers’ compensation lawyer?

Work comp claims will, at times, work out well without the aid of an attorney. A worker will be injured, their workers’ compensation claim is approved, and they are adequately compensated for their injury and wage loss before returning to work.

Unfortunately, this often is not the case. Claims get denied. Settlement offers fall short of what was lost. Insurance refuses to pay for necessary treatment. You could overlook the statute of limitations. Healthcare providers and insurance companies fail to fulfill their obligations. There are numerous scenarios where an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can make sure you get the care and settlement you deserve for your injury.

Workers’ compensation is a complicated system that can quickly become overwhelming on your own. We will assess your situation and quickly have a plan of action for moving forward, so you can focus on your recovery.

When do I need a workers’ compensation lawyer?

If you have been injured on the job, the ideal answer is after you have seen a doctor and filled out an incident report. We offer a free consultation and no charge unless we win. We will assess your situation and any answer questions. We can even help you file your claim. You might find that all will work well on its own with your claim, but there are many situations where a work comp attorney is necessary.

If your employer stalls on the process, your claim is denied, your insurance refuses to cover recommended treatments, you have a pre-existing condition, your employer denies your injury occurred at work, you have a third-party claim against a party involved in your accident, your injury has resulted in a disability that does not allow you to return to work, or you are worried about how your settlement might affect your Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), you should seek representation from an experienced work comp attorney.

Another common scenario is employer retaliation. In response to a workers’ compensation claim, we have seen employers cut hours, demote, refuse to make reasonable accommodations, and even fire employees. According to Minnesota Statute § 257C.08, it is illegal to retaliate against employees seeking workers’ compensation benefits. Our work comp attorneys have repeatedly represented workers experiencing these illegal activities, including numerous wrongful terminations. We will address your employer directly to make sure your rights are protected. You should never be afraid of filing a workers’ compensation claim or worry about what will happen to your job if you get a lawyer. These are your rights.

What Workers’ Compensation Does for You

Workers’ compensation offers wage loss benefits and medical treatment, including chiropractic and physical therapy, for work injuries. It is in place to protect you during times you are unable to earn income and ensures that you receive necessary medical treatment without the worry about medical bills. It also offers career training, counseling, and placement options through vocational rehabilitation for situations in which you are unable to continue working.

Can I see my own doctor for my work injury?

The short answer is, yes, you can see your own doctor for your work injury. However, if your employer’s insurance disagrees with your doctor’s assessment, it may ask for an independent medical examination (IME) by a doctor they choose. This often results in an assessment that is much more favorable than that of your own doctor. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can convince a judge that you deserve more than what was assessed in your IME.

Another party that is often involved in this process is a qualified rehabilitation consultant (QRC). This person serves as neutral party, who acts as a vocational consultant to help coordinate appointments and ultimately get you back to work. They communicate with your employer and may even go to appointments with you. They can be either chosen by you or your insurance company. This is another reason why it is good to have a work comp attorney so this process can be monitored.

Work Comp Injury Types and Settings

Most workers’ compensation injuries are experienced by truck drivers and workers in healthcare, production, construction, warehouse, and retail. Herniated discs, burn injuries, hearing loss from a loud work environment, electrocutions, slip & falls, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spinal cord injuries, broken bones, rotator cuff issues, vision loss from an eye injury, and a variety of catastrophic injuries are not uncommon in settings involving lifting, heavy machinery, and dangerous equipment, but there are several scenarios that may not immediately come to mind with work comp that may apply to you.

Repetitive stress injuries in office jobs can qualify. The pain and affects from tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are very real and can make your job a miserable experience. Getting hit in the head by a box falling off a high shelf in the copy room at an office can cause head and neck injuries. You do not need to work in a blue-collar field to file a work comp claim.

Chemical exposure presents another set of potential issues. By now, most people are aware of mesothelioma from workers exposed to asbestos or black lung suffered by coal workers, but there are many scenarios that can produce injury from chemicals. Common chemicals found in these work injuries include silica, benzene, cadmium, hydrogen sulfide, mercury, arsenic, beryllium, lead, ethylene oxide, and chloroform. Toxic chemicals like these can cause issues such as cancer, skin disease, and neurological problems. Keep in mind that work comp is a no-fault situation, so even if your company had taken proper precautions, you could still be eligible for benefits.

Am I covered under workers’ compensation?

Almost all Minnesota workers are covered under our workers’ compensation laws. Exceptions include volunteers and independent contractors, but if you fall under either category, call us. There are still options to explore.

What should I do if my claim is denied?

It is not uncommon for work comp claims to get denied. It is now in your best interest to have a workers’ compensation lawyer to represent you. At 612-INJURED, our work comp attorneys understand how the Minnesota workers’ compensation system works and will file an effective appeal for your claim.

Why choose us?

If you have been injured in an accident, it is best to start with a conversation. We offer a free consultation to talk about your individual situation and answer any question you might have. The Minnesota workers’ compensation lawyers at 612-INJURED will develop a plan on how to best move forward. Whether your claim was denied, or your injury happened one hour before your call, we have the knowledge and experience to get you the settlement you deserve. Call or text us at (612) 465-8733.

Attorney Benjamin Heimerl

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Fundamentally, workers’ compensation is the benefits that you deserve if you have been hurt on the job.

Minnesota Workers’ compensation laws protect employees injured on the job. Your employer has an obligation to provide safe working conditions. It might not matter who is at fault, what job you were doing, or what company you work for. If you have been hurt at work, you may be entitled to compensation.

These laws were put in place to protect everyday people like you from harsh working conditions. If you can’t work due to an injury, workers’ compensation is meant to fill in some of the gaps. You still have obligations like bills, rent, and feeding your family. Workers’ compensation aids you in recovering and helps you pay what you need to pay.

According to the law, all places of employment must carry some form of insurance. This means that if you are successful in your claim, someone will be paying. You don’t have to worry about your employer not having the money that you need.

The 612 Injured Difference

Being injured is serious. After you have sustained an injury, the world can seem like a scary place. Your boss may be pressuring you or threatening to retaliate. The aching pain makes it hard to operate how you usually do. You do not always know which way to turn, or how to get help.

That is where we step in. 612 Injured has a team of workers’ compensation attorneys who are second to none. We are with you at every point. Your case is personal to us. We give you big-firm resources that can give you small-firm attention.

When it comes to workers’ compensation, you will not find a law firm that is as dedicated, reliable, and devoted as we are. Other law firms will treat you like a number. With us, you are not Case #7489. You are you, with your own wants, desires, and needs.

Contact us today. The earlier you get started, the easier it will be.

Benefits in Workers’ Compensation Cases

We will do what we can to make sure that you are not going through this fight alone. The team at 612 Injured can help you get what you need. Check out our workers’ compensation calculator if you want an estimate.

No Fees

Unless We Win

Schedule Your Consultation

Our attorneys work on a contingent basis. This means that we will not charge you a fee unless we win either at trial or through settlement.

The percentage we charge will depend on the difficulty of your case, and the amount of time and money we estimate it will take to get you the most recovery for your damages.


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The attorneys and staff at our law firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.

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