Navigating the complexities of workers’ compensation can be daunting, especially when you’re dealing with an injury or illness. This guide aims to simplify the process and help you understand your rights under Minnesota’s workers’ compensation laws. Whether you’re an employee seeking benefits or an employer looking to ensure compliance, this article will provide you with the essential information you need.

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides medical benefits and wage replacement to employees who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses. In return, employees relinquish their right to sue their employer for negligence. In Minnesota, workers’ compensation is mandatory for most employers, ensuring that employees receive the support they need in case of work-related incidents.

Understanding Your Rights: A Guide to Workers' Compensation in Minnesota

Who is Eligible?

In Minnesota, almost all employees are covered under workers’ compensation. This includes full-time, part-time, and seasonal workers. However, certain categories of workers, such as independent contractors, may not be covered. It’s crucial to verify your employment status and understand your eligibility.

Exceptions to Coverage

While most employees are covered, there are some exceptions. These include:

  • Independent contractors
  • Certain agricultural workers
  • Casual employees (those who work occasionally and not in the regular course of the employer’s business)

If you fall into one of these categories, it’s important to consult with a legal expert to explore your options.

Types of Benefits

Minnesota’s workers’ compensation system offers several types of benefits to injured employees. These benefits are designed to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs.

Medical Benefits

Workers’ compensation covers all necessary medical treatments related to the injury or illness. This includes doctor visits, surgeries, medications, and physical therapy. Employees are generally free to choose their healthcare provider, but it’s advisable to consult your employer or insurance company for a list of approved providers.

Wage Replacement

If your injury or illness prevents you from working, you may be entitled to wage replacement benefits. These benefits are typically two-thirds of your average weekly wage, subject to minimum and maximum limits set by the state.

Rehabilitation Benefits

Rehabilitation services are available to help you return to work. This can include vocational training, job placement services, and physical rehabilitation. The goal is to enable you to resume your previous job or find suitable alternative employment.

How to File a Claim

Filing a workers’ compensation claim in Minnesota involves several steps. It’s essential to follow these steps carefully to ensure your claim is processed smoothly.

Report the Injury

Notify your employer immediately after the injury occurs. You must provide written notice within 14 days, although you have up to 180 days under certain circumstances. Delaying the report can jeopardize your claim.

Seek Medical Attention

Get medical treatment as soon as possible. Inform your healthcare provider that the injury is work-related so they can document it accordingly. Keep all medical records and receipts as they will be required for your claim.

File the Claim

Your employer should provide you with a First Report of Injury (FROI) form. Complete this form and submit it to your employer, who will then forward it to their insurance company. The insurer will review your claim and either approve or deny it.

Workers Compensation Lawyers Minnesota

What to Do If Your Claim is Denied

If your workers’ compensation claim is denied, don’t lose hope. You have the right to appeal the decision.

Request a Reconsideration

Start by requesting a reconsideration from the insurance company. Provide any additional documentation or evidence that supports your claim.


If reconsideration fails, you can opt for mediation. A neutral third party will facilitate a discussion between you and the insurer to reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Formal Hearing

As a last resort, you can request a formal hearing before a workers’ compensation judge. Legal representation is highly recommended at this stage to navigate the complexities of the hearing process.

Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Symposium

The Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Symposium is an annual event that brings together industry professionals, legal experts, and policymakers. The symposium offers a platform to discuss the latest trends, regulatory changes, and best practices in workers’ compensation.

Why Attend?

Attending the symposium provides invaluable insights into the workers’ compensation landscape in Minnesota. It’s an excellent opportunity to network with industry leaders, gain knowledge from expert panels, and stay updated on regulatory changes.

Key Topics

  • Recent legislative updates
  • Best practices for claims management
  • Innovations in vocational rehabilitation
  • Strategies for effective dispute resolution


Understanding your rights under Minnesota’s workers’ compensation laws is crucial for both employees and employers. Whether you’re filing a claim, seeking employment in the field, or looking to stay informed about industry trends, this guide provides the foundational knowledge you need. Always consult with legal and medical professionals to ensure you’re making informed decisions regarding your workers’ compensation needs.

Contact Minnesota’s Top Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

If you have questions about your rights or need assistance with a workers’ compensation claim, don’t hesitate to reach out to 612-Injured. Our experienced attorneys specialize in Minnesota’s workers’ compensation laws and are here to help you navigate the complexities of the system. Whether you’re filing a new claim, appealing a denial, or seeking legal advice, we are committed to ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve. Contact us today to get started!