Reimbursing Your Health Insurance Is Your Cheapest Option You have been in a car accident and your no-fault coverage has paid all the money that they can for your medical injuries [...] You have been in a car accident and your no-fault coverage has paid all the money that they can for your medical injuries [...] With personal injury claims, when there is a car accident where someone is negligent for example, is one of the times when an [...] Imagine that you just got into a car accident. The other driver is sitting behind you. They have just rear-ended you and are now [...] We write a lot about no-fault insurance and the priorities, but the question comes as to what happens to your no-fault benefits if [...] A claim that often needs a little more explanation is a dram shop or liquor liability claim. This is a claim against a [...] A frustrating issue we get is when we have a client who has good insurance on their own car and gets injured by somebody [...] If you were in a car accident and found out your autopay on your insurance company did not go through and left you [...] If you have ever driven to another state, you might have wondered what would happen if you got into a car accident there. [...] Something that has unfortunately become more common recently are car accidents caused by stolen vehicles. Particularly in St. Paul and Minneapolis, there have [...] An unfortunate scenario, particularly with an injury, is when you are rear-ended or sideswiped, and the driver then flees the scene of the [...]