There were over 50,000 vehicle crashes in Minnesota in 2020. When determining who should bear financial burdens associated with crashes, eyewitness testimony can play a critical role. People may see things that those involved with the crash and the authorities miss. However, biased eyewitness testimony can also create problems, as it is not always credible. In our legal system, eyewitness testimony can play an important role in resolving car accident disputes.

What Is Eyewitness Testimony?

In many cases, an independent eyewitness’s statement can prevent the need for a lawsuit, because their testimony is a person’s firsthand account of an event. This is particularly true of eyewitnesses that do not know either of the parties and are otherwise disinterested in the outcome of the case.

People present at an accident can tell the court what they saw happen. Eyewitness testimony can corroborate—or cast doubt on—claims about who caused an accident. Witness testimony can help juries decide which party is more credible in cases where two people involved in an accident disagree about what happened.

Who Could Be an Eyewitness?

Since eyewitnesses encompass anyone present before or during an accident, many people can be eyewitnesses to an accident, including:

  • Bystanders
  • People visiting nearby establishments
  • People in nearby homes
  • People in nearby cars
  • Other drivers on the road
  • Pedestrians
  • Cyclists
  • People who stopped to assist accident victims

The Role of Eyewitness Testimony

Eyewitness testimony, when it is perceived as credible and detailed, can provide crucial support to a case. When a case goes to trial, eyewitness testimony can sway a jury’s opinion. Since eyewitness testimony comes from people who were there when an accident happened, juries often give it great weight. When eyewitness testimony confirms the claims of someone involved in an accident, the jury might be more likely to side with that individual.

Suppose two drivers get into an accident. One driver claims the other driver was speeding and caused the accident. In response, the other driver claims to have been going the speed limit. If there were people who saw the accident occur, they could provide the jury with their perceptions of whether the driver was speeding. If the witnesses confirm that the driver was speeding, the claim that the driver was speeding may become more credible. However, if the witnesses disagree with the assessment that the driver was speeding, it may cast doubt on the assertion.

Impact of Eyewitness Testimony on Settlements

Although eyewitness testimony is important for trials, many cases settle before trial. Even when patients do not go to trial, eyewitness testimony can be crucial. Suppose eyewitness testimony suggests that the other driver was responsible for the accident. In that case, that driver may be more willing to settle the case, and the driver’s insurance may be more inclined to compensate you for the damages.

Problems with Eyewitness Testimony

Although eyewitness testimony can help a case, it can also cause problems when it is not credible. Psychologists have raised concerns about the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. People may have trouble remembering what they saw happen. In some cases, accidents happen so quickly that bystanders may not understand what happened and reconstruct their memories. Psychology research has identified some potential problems with witness questions. Stress and anxiety can cause some people to have trouble recalling events accurately. However, others can remember stressful events correctly.

Making matters more complex, sometimes, witnesses disagree with what happened. One witness may support your version of events, while another may challenge them.

Witnesses may also have reasons to lie. Witnesses might not tell the truth to protect friends and family or their own interests. A skilled car accident attorney should know the rules of evidence and understand how to challenge the credibility of dishonest witnesses to protect their client’s interests.

Minnesota Car Accident Lawyer

Eyewitness testimony could significantly impact your case if you were involved in a car accident. The lawyers at 612-INJURED understand how to use eyewitness testimony to help their clients secure favorable outcomes. Please call or text us at (612) 465-8733 to learn more about how eyewitness testimony might affect your case.