Whenever you get into a multi-car vehicle accident, one where this is more than one car involved, you are going to want to try to get as much information as quickly as possible about everybody who was involved. This goes for accidents whether there are two cars or 10 involved, whatever the case might be.

 You are also going to want to take a moment to sit down and actually think through what you experienced as part of the accident, because, yes, there is probably going to be one person who was the main cause of the accident. If you recall having more than one impact, there might be more than one person that you can go after.

In this case, you would want to pursue what is called a Pierringer release, where you can go after each individual party separately without giving up on your claim entirely. So, it is helpful to know who the parties are, take pictures of the area, and then make sure that you file claims with everybody’s insurance, not just the main person who was responsible.

If you have any questions, call or text the car accident lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.