One thing that is helpful when you have an injury claim is figuring out how to add a little bit of value to it, when it is not something that is necessarily a car accident. Maybe it is a slip and fall or a work injury.

Workers’ compensation pays you at 67% of what your wages are. So how do you add a little more into your pocket? If you were driving while you were working and were injured in an accident, your no-fault insurance can help. Your no-fault insurance pays you at 85% of what I would normally get, so you can actually have your no-fault insurance step in and pay the difference between the 67% from work comp and the 85% that they normally pay. This way, you get a little extra each week.

In a slip and fall, often there is no wage-loss coverage or anything to help you with it. If you are in a position where you are getting out of your car and you slip and fall on ice while moving to close your car door, you could bring a no-fault claim in addition to the premises liability claim.

Those are two easy ways to add a little value to a personal injury claim that is not a car accident and are examples of how we examine every case to see what more we can do for you.

If you have any questions, call or text the personal injury and workers’ comp lawyers at 612-INJURED at (612) 465-8733 for a free consultation.